
August 2012

Where do i start ?
Well, I am back ! and..Its been a while since i've blogged ( 6 months) . 
A lot has changed, In 6 months , and i can't help but laugh when i re-read my old post.
Sorry, they were crappy.
and again, where do i start? There's just so much going on, I don't even know where to start. With all the exams, and check-ups, physio, scoliosis, heartbreaks and not to mention my new persian, adorable puss-in-boots-look-a-like kitten , trust me. When i said puss-in-boots-look-a-like, I really meant it.  
Exams? i just had my PMR trials. My results weren't that good but hey " what you give is what you get"~
I'll just work harder on my next exam. ( I hope)
You know how it is, 10 seconds after going through your revision books and you're already hoping its bed time. In my case " supper" \m/

they're all linked . or related. chained? 
When I said a lot has happened in 6 months, well this, happened 2 months ago. 
It started with all these backaches , and stabbing pains , difficulty in breathing, etc. = scoliosis (google it) 
whatever bla bla bla drama bla . which leads us to.. ---> physio  

Heartbreaks.. Its still broken.. probably in its healing process.  Doesnt Matter :-)

I just can't wait to get all these exams over with and hang out with my friends.
I can't wait for Raya. I'd really love to elaborate and what not about my life. 

but hey. I have better things to do. 
So Enjoy your Iftar guys
Much love

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