

Okay , so , while I'm waiting for a call , I decided that maybe.. maybe .. I could spend a little time here.
So where do I start , ah yes .
I just realised how glum and moody I was when I first started this blog last year. (... or the year before that( I forgot) (oops))  . Wow I really needed a candy or two .
Needless to say , I was young . Still am , but maybe I couldn't take pain and hardship well .
Of course , I'm not saying that I can endure pain and hardship now , but maybe my perspective in things have changed . Gradually ..
Life hadn't gotten any easier of course ,
but It has certainly gotten better and I am truly grateful . Alhamdulillah.

Since SPM is inching closer by the minute , of course I won't be blogging often .
But I'll definitely drop by to say a thing or two .

Until the next post .
Goodnight and Assalamualaikum

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