
Not So Perfect Sunday

Salut ! Honestly , it's been a while since I've blogged. I guess I just lost my mood.
I haven't been pretty well lately to be frank. Horrible headaches and pretty messed up sleeping schedule and yet I am still here ignoring the facts that I'll be screwed if I continue not to care about my health.
I miss my sayang. Haven't seen him in a while.
Somehow, this holiday makes me feel like I'm losing my bond between my friends. Just fading..
I hate that feeling.
The guilt is killing me.

It's been a while since I had a sleepover . I really need some pampering . seriously.
Like some girls day out or things like that.

Ah but I hate spending.

Cant believe its been a year .
I am not looking forward for my birthday, sadly.
No , just.. No.
So, it's 12 am. Yeap 2 more days.
Should be sleeping and fix my sleeping schedule .
Guess I'm Not so nocturnal today ~
I really hate the timing on this blog.
I'll change it when I can.

As for me, I'm going to sleep
Goodnight guise .X

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