

So. I made it :) ha!
Reached LAX international airport at 7pm here.
Had dinner at a mediterranean Restaurant. Ace
Its co cold here. Colder than the last time i went here.
So we checked in, took a shower , rented a car
And had dinner. But i bet you already know that.
Well the view from my hotel?
Kay shit cant upload it through my phone. Sigh
Well i see La polla Loco from here.
Sounds adorable right? No? Okay
Well, Its 4 am here :)i should be sleeping but i cant adapt to the time change around here.
I miss him. The you know who, who else. Haha i miss everyone.
Okay my 19 hour flight was shitty. Scary shit i tell you
I miss him I miss him. Ha okay it's written all over my blog now.
Got some heavy shopping to do.
Dads driving there. Long journey :)
Well, I shall update my blog everyday when I'm free.and also if there's wifi to steal. Ha! Naughty.

Now you know . Okay I'm heading to sleep. Goodnight everyone
I'll see you in my dreams love .X

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