
∞ Three

Ha. Its Thursday and tomorrow is Friday.
I'm Excited.
Can't you tell? 
Another day without school. 
and yet I managed to finish Spirit Bound in 6 hours. So, YES right now I am dying
Last Sacrifice. Hmm.
I'm happy though. I get Focused easily once I start reading. Good thing.
I'm currently watching Dr. Who after exhausting my brain, thanks to History and Geography.
mm. Not fun I tell you.
Had BigMac for lunch, and it wasn't THAT big.
My tummy is satisfied :3 I'm pretty sure.
 I'm having horrible back aches.
They Suck
oh sweet curse.
The Maine.
I love them.So much. just hng
I must be dreaming. Cause things are really..just great suddenly. Awkward but great.
well, now everything is out. For now.
Who needs a diary right? 
well, I'm just gonna continue My Teen Wolf and Dr.Who series.
Early Goodbye?
Yeap. heh

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