

Its Friday
Okay, So My Seni yesterday was blegh.
My Sivik Was mostly "what the fck is this"
and Today.
Dun Dun Dun.
I have Ag and Maths. Hoora!
Its hard for me to write after What happened yesterday.
So Basically, I fell.
Off My bus. lol I know
The first thing I knew, I was about to step on, the next thing I knew,
I was lying on the road.
No joke.
I want pretty band aids but all I got was ugly transparent ones.
I really hate the timing on this blog .
Its not Thursday :3
Its Friday.
We're gonna Get down on Friday :B
My Holiday Starts Tomorow. Yee 

Unfortunately, Its gonna be a week filled with Hardcore studying. mph
Gonna be worth it.
I hope so.
Bye guys .

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